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[Ethiopia] Distrubution of school supplies to 5 public schools in Bishoftu area

Last year ,2017, KVO Ethiopia chapter held a donation ceremony, distributing school supplies (including textbooks,notebooks and school bags) to 500 students from 5 public schools (Bekelcha, Kenenissa, Derara, Kara-hora and Foka elmentary school) in Bishoftu area to improve their learning abilities.

Many interested persons were presented at the donation ceremony, including Government officials, principals, stuents, and teachers from 5 public schools.

As for the distributed school supplies, KVO Ethiopia Chapter provided brand new radio instruments, English and Math textbooks and also new school bags. 

Also, Monitoring team from KVO International office and KVO CEO, Eul-nam PARK visited KVO Ethiopia Chapter. During the visit, Monitoring team has performed following activities.

(1) Donated library equipments (4 shelves, 4 tables, 10 chairs, 1  to 5 public schools 

(2) Donated Science experiment kit to 5 public schools

(3) Donated books to libraries of 5 public schools

(4) Donated a wheel-chair to handicapped students of Kenenissa elemenrary school

(5) Participated to Alternative sanitary pad tranings in KVO Bishoftu center

▲ Students are standing in line to receive school supplies
▲ Student is receiving school supplies from teacher
▲ Students are happy to receive school supplies from KVO Ethiopia Chapter

▲ Student is happy to receive school supply from KVO Ethiopia Chapter.

She smiled and said she will study harder than before.

Galatoomi! KVO ! Galatoomi! KOREA ! (*Galatoomi : 'Thank you' for  Oromo language)

▲ 500 school bags are prepared to be distributed to 500 studetns from 5 public schools
▲ 500 school bags are prepared to be distributed to 500 studetns from 5 public schools
(1 schoolbag, 12 notebooks, 1 math notebook, 2 pens)
▲ Government officials attened the donation ceremony.
▲ 5 principals from 5 public schools took photograph together, holding banner
▲ Students are standing in line to receive school supplies.
They seemed excited and posed for the camera
▲ Students are holding schoolbags they received from KVO Ethiopia Chapter

In thankfulness for the generous donations, KVO Ethiopia chapter received a letter of appreciation from Oromia Education Bureau. Below is the picture of the letter of appreciation.

It can be translated as following : "Oromia Education Bureau would like to thank KVO Ethiopia Chapter for the generous doantion of school supplies to improve and enhance learning abilities of 500 students from 5 public schools in Bishoftu area."

▶ Picture of the donated library equipments (4 bookshelves, 4 tables, 10 chairs and 1 cabinet)
▶ Picture of the donated science experiment kit with students
▶ Picture of the donated wheel-chair with the handicapped student from Kenenissa elementary school student
 Picture of receiving a letter of appreciation form Oromia Education Bureau and 5 public schools.
▶ Picture of attending alternative sanitary pad tranings in KVO Bishoftu center
▶ Picture of parents, KOICA staff and KVO Staffs after Alternative sanitary pad traning in KVO Bishoftu center

▶ Picture of Monitoring team, KVO Ethiopia Chapter staffs,Government officials, and Local officials in KVO Bishoftu center
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